Bad cholesterol starts accumulating in veins due to these reasons, know ways to reduce increased triglycerides – India TV

There are two types of cholesterol in our body: HDL and LDL. HDL, i.e., good cholesterol, carries away the fat accumulated in the blood vessels, whereas bad cholesterol is thick. If its quantity is high, then it accumulates on the walls of blood vessels and arteries, which obstructs the flow of blood. An increase in cholesterol can cause problems like heart attack, high blood pressure, and obesity. In such a situation, let us know what the reasons are for the increase in cholesterol and the home remedies to control it.
Bad cholesterol increases due to these reasons
- Bad eating habits: The main reason behind the increase in bad cholesterol is your bad eating habits. If you consume more red fatty meat, butter, cheese, cake, and ghee in your diet, then due to this, the fat and bad cholesterol in the body increase rapidly.
- Genetic reasons: If there is a history of high cholesterol in your family, then this is also a matter of concern for you. Genetic high cholesterol also causes premature blockage and stroke.
- Stress: When people are under stress, they tend to smoke, drink alcohol, and eat fatty foods to comfort themselves. Therefore, prolonged stress causes an increase in blood cholesterol.
Consuming these things will reduce cholesterol
- Garlic: Garlic helps reduce LDL cholesterol. Regular consumption of garlic can reduce LDL cholesterol levels by 9 to 15 percent. It also controls high blood pressure. Peeling and eating two cloves of garlic daily is the best home remedy.
- Oats: The beta-glucan element present in oats not only removes the problem of constipation while cleaning the intestines. It also controls bad cholesterol. If oats are consumed regularly for three months, then the cholesterol level can be reduced by 5 percent.
- Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits contain soluble fibers that prevent bad cholesterol from entering the bloodstream. Vitamin C present in such fruits cleans the blood vessels. In this way, bad cholesterol gets out of the body through the digestive system.
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