Thyroid issues increase rapidly in winter, know yogic ways from Swami Ramdev to control it – India TV

Thyroid Issue
Image Source : FREEPIK Ayurvedic remedies by Swami Ramdev to control thyroid.

There is severe cold in the plains. The cold wave has disrupted the normal routine of people. A little carelessness is also causing cold-related problems. Every second person is struggling with a cold, cough and fever. These are the most common problems in this season, but if you have frequent colds, swelling and pain in the throat, body pain, and do not feel like doing anything all the time due to laziness and fatigue, then do not ignore it at all. Health experts say that these can also be symptoms of thyroxine hormone imbalance. Perhaps very few people would know that the work of keeping the body warm in the cold season is done by the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland present above the windpipe. When it is very cold, this gland also comes under pressure to keep the body warm. In such a situation, due to less production of thyroxine hormone in hypothyroid patients, the body’s ability to fight cold starts decreasing, this is also called cold intolerance. In this condition, metabolism slows down. As a result, weight and bad cholesterol increase, which puts the heart at risk. Not only this but due to thyroid disturbance, the risk of asthma, depression, diabetes and arthritis increases manifold. Breathlessness starts at a young age and if treatment is not taken at the right time, it can even lead to thyroid cancer.

Research done across the world shows that in the last few years, the number of patients suffering from this cancer has increased 3 times. The rate of thyroid cancer in women is almost four times more than in men. According to the latest report of Research Gate, the cases of this type of cancer have increased by 121% in women under the age of 30. A study of public health updates has shown that there are more than 20 crore thyroid patients worldwide. In India alone, 1 out of every 10 people is a victim of this disease. This means that every tenth person in the country needs to take special care in winter. Not only thyroid patients but everyone should be alert in the cold. Because even a small mistake can prove to be fatal to their health. So let’s learn from Swami Ramdev how to avoid thyroid attacks in winter.

Symptoms of Thyroid

  • Tiredness 
  • Nervousness 
  • Irritability
  • Tremors in the hands
  • Lack of sleep
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle Pain

Thyroid will be controlled

If you want to control your thyroid then make sure to work out daily. Drink apple vinegar in the morning and take turmeric milk at night. Sit in the sun for a while. Use coconut oil in your food and make sure you sleep for 7 hours.

Yoga for Thyroid 

  • Surya Namaskar
  • Pawanmuktasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Matsyasana


What to eat and what to avoid if you have thyroid

Include flaxseed, coconut, mulethi, mushroom, turmeric milk and cinnamon in your diet. However, try and avoid consuming sugar, white rice, cakes, cookies, oily food and soft drinks. 

Diseases caused by thyroid

  • Problems in pregnancy
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • cancer 
  • Obesity
  • Asthma

Effective Ayurvedic treatment for thyroid

Mulethi (Liquorice) is beneficial

Tulsi-Aloe Vera Juice 
1 teaspoon of Triphala daily 
Ashwagandha and warm milk at night                      
Grind coriander seeds and drink them in water

ALSO READ: Cancer cases increasing among young adults, simple lifestyle changes to reduce the risk

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