Treat your ancestors with this delicious rice and jaggery pudding, know easy recipe – India TV

rice and jaggery pudding
Image Source : SOCIAL Mauni Amavasya 2025: Try rice and jaggery pudding

Mauni Amavasya has special significance. On this day, people take a bath and do charity. On Mauni Amavasya, things made from sesame and jaggery are important. There is also a trend of making kheer on this day. Kheer is made in most of the houses on Amavasya. But on Mauni Amavasya, you should make and eat jaggery and rice kheer. This kheer not only tastes delicious, but the ancestors are also pleased by offering it. Rice and jaggery kheer provide nutrition and energy to the body. It is also much healthier than kheer with sugar. You can make rice and jaggery kheer with this recipe.

How to make rice and jaggery kheer?

Step 1: To make kheer, take about 1 cup of good-quality rice. Boil 2-3 liters of milk to make the kheer thick and tasty. Take 200 grams of jaggery to add to the kheer. Take about 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder, some cashews, almonds, and chironji. Take about 1 teaspoon of desi ghee.

Step 2: Wash the rice and soak it in water for a while. Put the milk to boil in a pan. When the milk starts boiling, drain the water from the soaked rice and add it to the milk. Keep stirring the kheer continuously. Keep in mind that the kheer should not stick to the bottom.

Step 3: Soak the jaggery in some water or milk in a vessel. When the kheer is cooked well and the milk is reduced to about half, then filter the jaggery solution and add it to it. Stir the kheer continuously after adding the jaggery. Now add cardamom to the kheer and cook. You can keep the kheer thick or thin as per your choice.

Step 4: When the kheer is ready, add all the finely chopped dry fruits. After adding dry fruits, cook the kheer for 5 more minutes. Now add 1 spoon of desi ghee in it and turn off the gas. Delicious jaggery and rice kheer is ready.

Step 5: If you want, you can add desi khand, sugar, or even powdered sugar instead of jaggery in the kheer. But jaggery kheer tastes more delicious in winter. You should dedicate it to God as an offering. Eat it yourself and feed it to the family members. 

ALSO READ: Desi Ghee vs Mustard Oil: Which is a healthier choice for cooking?

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