How to lose weight after the age of 50? Know from dietitian about healthy diet tips to prevent obesity – India TV

It becomes difficult to lose weight after 50 years. At this time, many changes are taking place in the body, due to which weight starts increasing. If you want to keep yourself fit after the age of 50, then it is very important to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle. According to dieticians, after 50 years, there is often a change in muscles, hormones, and metabolism in the body, which makes it difficult to control weight. However, it can be controlled to a great extent by paying attention to diet, lifestyle, and exercise. Let us know what your diet and fitness routine should be.
Easy ways to lose weight at the age of 50
- Keep an eye on your calorie intake throughout the day: You have to keep an eye on your calorie intake throughout the day. Pay attention to breakfast and lunch and use things that keep your weight under control. Avoid overeating and take small meals.
- Do exercise: Do any kind of exercise throughout the day. You can do any exercise keeping in mind your flexibility and balance. You can do Pilates, yoga, and stretching. This will reduce the risk of injury and keep you active.
- Keep your heart healthy: Increase heart-related activities after 40-50 years. For this, you can include any activity like cycling, swimming, dancing, or walking. This will keep the heart healthy and burn more calories.
- Take a healthy diet: At this age, the amount of fruits and vegetables should be increased in the diet. Eat protein-rich foods. Avoid eating outside. Especially do not eat packed food. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Protein helps in increasing metabolism and making muscles healthy. Include healthy fats in the diet.
- Avoid these things: With increasing age, avoid eating certain things in the diet like fried foods, sweet snacks, and packaged food. Because these contain unhealthy fats and more refined carbohydrates.
What should one eat after the age of 50?
When you have reached the 50K threshold, you should include fatty fish like salmon and mackerel in your diet. You should take a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Seeds and dry fruits like chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and almonds should be included in the diet. They contain protein and healthy fats. Apart from this, you should eat green leafy vegetables and fruits.
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